Light, Slow, Low and through the Nose.
Functional Breathing is all about getting your everyday breathing right.
In our Breathwork training using the Buteyko Breathing Method and Oxygen Advantage , we explore important aspects of the breath that together bring balance to the autonomic nervous system, reduce breathlessness, improve sleep and add to our whole sense of wellness and well-being.
Sessions take place in our Varsity Lakes, Gold Coast Clinic or online..
Disrupted Breathing
The Breathing Coach is a certified Buteyko Breathing Method Instructor. Breathwork helps improve disrupted breathing patterns like snoring, asthma, and sleep apnea by increasing awareness and control over one's breathing.
This can include deep breathing exercises, breath holding, and other breathing techniques that focus on regulating the breath.
Practicing breathwork regularly can lead to a reduction in symptoms such as shortness of breath, anxiety, and stress.
for Athletes
The Breathing Coach is a certified Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor. Specific Breathing techniques can improve athletic performance by increasing the oxygen uptake, reducing stress and anxiety, and enhancing mental focus and clarity.
Specific breathwork techniques such as nasal breathing, breath holds and slow breathing can be effective in regulating breathing patterns during exercise and competition.
Incorporating breathwork into a regular training program provides athletes with a competitive edge that enhances overall physical and mental well-being.
Private & group Breathwork
Clinical setting - 4 session course
Initial Consult 60-90 mins $110
3 follow up sessions 30 mins $60 ea
Transformational Breathwork -
90-120 min session $225 includes limiting beliefs discovery, intention setting and NLP
Transformational Breathwork Groups
Price on Application
Breathwork for Athletes & sporting teams
Price on Application
David is a qualified and practising Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Ice Bath Coach, Buteyko Clinic International and Oxygen Advantage® Advanced Instructor.
Having coached hundreds of group and personal coaching sessions in the past 10 years, integrating the Oxygen Advantage has been a game changer! The breath underpins all the coaching modalities that David offers.
David has coached many athletes, trekkers, avid gym goers, weekend warriors, and people just wanting to better themselves in the Northern Beaches’ first altitude gym, Altitude - The Height of Fitness. David is well aware of the benefits of Altitude training and hypoxic environments and now with the protocols of Oxygen Advantage, anyone can train at “Altitude” for optimal human performance. Currently working out of a gym on the Northern Beaches and his clinic in Allambie Heights.
David’s passion for teaching breathing techniques stems from his experience curing lifelong asthma with specific breathing techniques and mindset practices. Also Diagnosed with Chronic Depression 8 years ago, and on the brink, David is now thriving as daily practices of Breathwork, meditation, and Exercise Therapy have now become the norm to quieten the mind, strengthen the body, and get off the prescribed medication round-about.
David’s purpose and drive is to educate people to empower themselves, to take their power back, and to be in control of their lives and it all starts with the breath. Control your breath, control your life!
Whether you are a Corporate, a sporting team, or an individual looking to breathe better, David has the solutions to provide Optimal Human Performance.
The Breathing techniques we provide is all about optimising your breathing efficiency.
In our Breathwork training, we explore three important aspects of the breath that together bring balance to the autonomic nervous system, and so to our whole sense of wellness and well-being.
Biochemical breathing is all about improving your carbon dioxide tolerance. Its about breathing LIGHT.
Biomechanical breathing teaches us how to breathe with the diaphragm muscle. We call this breathing LOW or DEEP.
Resonance Frequency Breathing
Resonance frequency breathing is learning how to reduce the number of resting breaths per minute. Research indicates that 6-10 breaths per minute is optimal. This is breathing SLOW.
Simple techniques for right now
Breathe Deep
Place your hands on the lower ribs so your thumb is at the back and your fingers are around to the front.
As you breathe in through your nose feel your ribs expand and as you exhale feel your lower ribs move inward.
Continue slow light deep breaths for 4 minutes. -
Breathe Light
Place your index finger under your nose to feel the airflow and take soft, almost imperceptible breaths.
Repeat for 1 minute 3 x per day gradually building up to 3 x 10 mins per day.
Breathe Slow
Inhale through the nose for a count of 5, and exhale through the nose for a count of 5.
This will reduce your respiration rate to 6 breaths a minute. Also called coherence breathing.
Practice this for 5 minutes 3 times a day.
Interested to learn more?
Check out these links for peer-reviewed research on breathwork and its effects on the body and mind.
Breathwork Interventions for Adults with Clinically Diagnosed Anxiety Disorders: A Scoping Review
Asthma sufferers
Some amazing results from breath-holding testing in subjects with near-fatal asthma.
Breathwork for athletes
Athletic improvement in Rugby players after breathwork.
Free divers
A look at the positive changes in structure of the endothelial layer in those who practice regular extended breath holds.
The Diaphragm
Did you know the diaphragm influences not only breathing but also expectoration, vomiting, swallowing, urination, defecation, posture, pain perception, and our emotional state?